Why Use Smile Cargo?
Best rates: Smile Cargo offers the best rates in the market to send cheap parcel delivery worldwide. Our team is scattered around over 180+ countries including Europe, India, Middle East, Nigeria, Pakistan, UK, USA and many more destinations. We guarantee to be cheap parcel delivery and provide the best service for it.
Packaging provided: We provide strong packaging for our cheap parcel delivery worldwide. We understand how much faith you have put on to us by sending us your parcel. Therefore we will assure you that your parcel will be safe in our hands. Whether it is electronics you are sending or a bag we take full accountability for your parcel.
24/7 Customer service: Smile Cargo promises to answer all your questions. Any questions regarding your item, we will handle it. In addition to this we will also inform you throughout the delivery process. Where your item is and our agent will inform you 24 hours prior to delivery.
No delays: We have a team of devoted and hardworking agents who will ensure to deliver your parcel to on time without any delays. Additionally, our rates and our service will always be the best in the market.
Free insurance: Smile Cargo offers all its customers £50.00 free insurance for all individual parcels sent around tjh world. Insuring all the parcel get delivered safely and for all our customers safely worldwide.